![]() | 荣坚 博士 讲师 常州大学环境与安全工程学院,江苏常州 213164 办公电话: Email: fyrongjian@163.com |
2015.09-2021.06 江苏大学环境科学与工程博士
2019.09-2020.10 休斯顿大学化学系国家公派联合培养
2011.09-2015.06 淮阴师范学院生物工程学士
2021.09-至今 常州大学 环境与安全工程学院 讲师
[1] Rong Jian, Qiu Fengxian*, Karl M. Kadish*, etc., In situ construction MoS2-Pt nanosheets on 3D MOF-derived S, N-doped carbon substrate for highly efficient alkaline hydrogen evolution reaction. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 412: 127556-127565.
[2] Rong Jian, Qiu Fengxian*, Zhang Tao*, etc., A facile strategy toward 3D hydrophobic composite resin network decorated with biological ellipsoidal structure rapeseed flower carbon for enhanced oils and organic solvents selective absorption, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 322: 397-407.
[3] Rong Jian, Zhang Tao*, Qiu Fengxian*, etc., Preparation of efficient, stable, and reusable laccase-Cu3(PO4)2 hybrid microspheres based on copper foil for decoloration of Congo red, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2017, 5(5): 4468-4477.
[4] Rong Jian, Qiu Fengxian*, Fang Yuanyuan, etc., 2D metal-organic frameworks-derived preparation of layered CuS@C as an efficient and stable electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction, Electrochimica Acta, 2019, 323: 134856-134866.
[5] Rong Jian, Qiu Fengxian*, etc., Self-directed hierarchical Cu3(PO4)2/Cu-BDC nanosheets array based on copper foam as an efficient and durable electrocatalyst for overall water splitting, Electrochimica Acta, 2019 313: 179-188.
[6] Rong Jian, Zhang Tao*, Qiu Fengxian*, etc., Design and preparation of efficient, stable and superhydrophobic copper foam membrane for selective oil absorption and consecutive oil-water separation, Materials & Design, 2018, 142: 83-92.
[7] Rong Jian, Qiu Fengxian*, Zhang Tao*, etc., Non-noble metal@carbon nanosheet derived from exfoliated MOF crystal as highly reactive and stable heterogeneous catalyst, Applied Surface Science, 2018, 447: 222-234.
[8] Rong Jian, Zhang Tao*, Qiu Fengxian*, etc., Preparation of hierarchical micro/nanostructured Bi2S3-WO3 composites for enhanced photocatalytic performance, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016, 685: 812-819.
[9] Rong Jian, Qiu Fengxian*, Zhang Tao*, etc., Sea urchin-like MOF-derived formation of porous Cu3P@C as an efficient and stable electrocatalyst for oxygen evolution and hydrogen evolution reactions, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2019, 6(14): 1900502-1900512.
[10] Rong Jian, Qiu Fengxian*, Zhang Tao*, etc., In-situ immobilization and pyrolysis of metal-organic framework supported on biomorphic layered double hydroxides as highly active and stable heterogeneous catalyst, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2018, 88: 78-88.
[11] Rong Jian, Qiu Fengxian*, etc., Facile preparation of glucose functionalized multi-wall carbon nanotubes and its application for the removal of cationic pollutants, Materials Letters, 2016, 183: 9-13.
[12] Rong Jian, Zhang Tao*, Qiu Fengxian*, etc., Structural evolution of hierarchical porous NiO/Al2O3 composites and their application for removal of dyes by adsorption, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2017, 34: 41-53.
[13] Rong Jian, Zhang Tao*, Qiu Fengxian*, etc., High-specific surface area hierarchical Al2O3 carbon fiber based on a waste paper fiber template: preparation and adsorption for iodide ions, Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology. 2017, 37(6) 485-492.
[1] 邱凤仙;荣坚;张涛;等。改性花粉生物质碳复合丙烯酸脂类吸油材料的制备及应用,授权号:ZL201610910 119.1
[2] 邱凤仙;荣坚;张涛;等。基于铜箔载体固定漆酶的生物无机杂化膜制备方法及应用,授权号:ZL201710219677.8
[3] 邱凤仙;荣坚;张涛;等。以铜泡沫为基底的仿生超疏水膜的制备方法及其应用,授权号:ZL201710917463.8
[4] 邱凤仙;荣坚;张涛;等。一种基于LDH固定过渡金属MOF的衍生物催化剂的制备方法及其应用,授权号:ZL201810358304.3
[5] 张涛;荣坚;孔丽颖;等。一种具有微纳分级结构的复合除碘材料及制备方法,授权号:ZL201600448840.3
[6] 张涛;孔丽颖;荣坚;等。一种多孔复合氧化物/聚氨酯吸油材料及其制备方法,授权号:ZL201610447957.X
1. 常州大学引进人才项目,2021-2023,主持。